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If you would like to let your listeners know more about how to structure their small business for optimum profitability, and all I have to offer your listeners,  here are the links to get all of the information you need:

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Guest Appearance Podcasts

Your 12|30 Podcast

Your 12|30 Podcast -  Mike and I discuss the legal challenges and how small businesses can use the same tax laws to keep more money in their pockets the same way the large corporations do.  Pick Audio or Video.

V is for Victory Podcast

V is for Victory Podcast - Jill Miller and I discuss the challenges that small business face in the current market place and some of the things you need to know to meet them. Episode 69 on Your Choice of Platform

The Business Owners Guide to Money Podcast

The Business Owners Guide to Money Podcast - Ryan Urban and I talk about the paperwork requirements of small business, tax strategies, and what to expect if you get audited.  Listen on YouTube.

The Bizgnus Podcast

The Bizgnus Podcast - Douglas Caldwell and I discuss the aspects of building a solid business foundation and what still works in today's marketing environment.  Listen on YouTube or Spotify

Meet The Elite Podcast

Meet The Elite Podcast - A live five minute broadcast featuring various guests and subjects.  We briefly discussed the need for a solid foundation under your business.  Click to Listen