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Wasting Time Waiting

Be Sure Your Systems are Organized

One of the biggest time-wasters in the business world is looking for files. Taking the time to organize all your files so you can quickly find what you need - on your computer for your digital files and in a good filing cabinet for your paper files - will pay you back many times over in increased productivity. However you decided to design your filing systems, the most important thing is that are able to find what you need quickly.

Don't Waste Your Time Waiting

From the barbershop to doctor's appointment, it is impossible to avoid waiting for someone or something. But you don't have to just sit there twiddling your thumbs or reading year old magazines. Always take something with you to do, whether it's a book you've wanting to read, a checkbook that needs balanced, or just a blank piece of paper that you can use to plan your next marketing campaign. With notebook computers, PDAs, and cell phones so prevalent, we are connected to the world and can do business wherever we go. On the other hand, I usually bring a good science fiction book along when I have to sit waiting for the barber or doctor. It is one of those rare opportunities where I can stop worrying about all my responsibilities and just relax with a good book. That's important too.