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The Big Difference

The approach to marketing in this course is completely contrary to what 95% of potential sponsors in any company today tell people to do to build their businesses. (Could that be why we keep hearing about a 95% failure rate among network marketers?) The biggest problem is that the standard techniques being taught today were developed 60 years ago! Sure, some of it is now computerized, but the principles are the same. These companies and sponsors:

  • Give you a list of possible prospects, everyone from your mailman to your old school teacher, and then tell you to make a list of 100 contacts. If you are making the list to retail a quality product that people normally buy anyway, and your intent is to obtain customers, then this approach is sound. Unfortunately, your sponsor wants you to talk to Uncle Bob about building a business. This usually just results in you not being invited to the Thanksgiving dinner anymore.
  • Tell you to talk to anyone within three feet of you about what a great business you are in. After about the third company you've joined, people will look at you like the boy who cried WOLF! No credibility anymore.
  • Recommend you spend $300-$1,000 a month on Internet leads. The problem is that so many other people are also - often for the same product/service. If you are persistent enough and write good enough ad copy to get people to contact you, it is still going to take four months to one year minimum before you learn recruiting good enough to cover your expenses. By this time most people have run out of money and/or quit. If that is not bad enough, even if you stick it out to that point, then you have to teach the people you sponsored how to the same thing and hope they don't quit before the get there. Not a very efficient way of doing things.
  • Buy products to give away as samples. Why this can get you some retail sales, it is not a very cost effective way to do business. If you earn their trust, they will buy whatever you recommend without the sample.
  • Buy motivational tapes and seminars. These only make money for the people producing them. People that are going to succeed are self-motivated. These products only tend to keep non-committed people to last a few months longer before they quit.

Today, there are so many network marketing companies that most people don't even want to listen to you about one anymore. The only efficient and successful way to build your organization is to have people ask to join you. They will want to join you if you are perceived as an expert/leader and most people need someone to follow. Just make sure it is a company you can be proud to represent and will be around five years from now.