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Generating Leads

At their core, every good marketing/lead generation system has one thing in common. What makes them work is an educational/instructional message that is offered in exchange for money or contact information. In other words, a lead is generated when one person wants to learn something and another person is willing to teach them what they want to know.

If you take a look at everyone who is having success attracting people to themselves on the Internet, you will find that they are teaching others how to do something. I'm sure you've seen the ads. 'Learn the 10 things you need to know about Internet Marketing. Type in your e-mail address and download this FREE report!' They say nothing about their product or business. The only objective here is to begin the relationship. 

A few days later, you may get an email telling you 'thanks for downloading our free report and would you like to subscribe to our free weekly newsletter filled with even more great marketing secrets.' After you've read a few issues of their newsletter and like what you read, you may decide to click on one of the links at the bottom that takes you to their website.

Because you are starting to view them as someone who knows what they are talking about, there is a good chance they will take a serious look at what you have to offer. You have built a relationship that has them coming to you voluntarily, instead of pulling them in dragging and kicking their heels.

When someone first joins a new direct marketing company, the first impulse is to tell everyone they know about the product or business plan. That's natural. You must not do this. You need to establish a relationship with them first.  Once they trust you, then they will be receptive to listening to what you have to say. Don't worry, they will ask you what you do when the time is right.